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Assistant Professor

Philosophy of Natural Sciences

Division: Philosophy Natural Sciences, Philosophy of Mathematics/Logics

Phone: +30-210-7275514

E-mail: sioannidis[at]phs.uoa[dot]gr

Personal web site

Stavros Ioannidis is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Natural Sciences at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He completed his PhD in philosophy at the University of Bristol in 2012, as an AHRC Fellow. He is the co-author (with Stathis Psillos) of Mechanisms in Science: Method or Metaphysics? (Cambridge University Press, 2022) and the editor (with Gal Vishne, Meir Hemmo and Orly Shenker) of Levels of Reality in Science and Philosophy: Re-examining the Multi-level Structure of Reality (2022). He was the principal investigator of the project MECHANISM, funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (2018-21). His published work in international peer-reviewed journals and collective volumes focuses on topics in the philosophy of biology (especially the concept of mechanism and mechanistic explanation and evolutionary and developmental biology) and in the metaphysics of science. He is Editor-in-Chief of αnalytica (a peer-reviewed electronic open-access journal for philosophy of science) and vice-president and founding member of the POND: Network of Philosophy of Science around the Mediterranean.